Rakdos Ringleader (rtr) 186
#Creature (240):
Academy Raider (m14) 124 #Intimidate
Accursed Marauder (mh3) 405 #top10k
Adder-Staff Boggart (lrw) 148 #Clash
Ahn-Crop Invader (war) 113
Akki Avalanchers (chk) 151
Akki Ember-Keeper (neo) 130
Akki Underling (sok) 93
Alesha's Vanguard (frf) 60 #Dash
Armory Veteran (afr) 130
Ashenmoor Cohort (shm) 56
Axegrinder Giant (lrw) 151
Azra Bladeseeker (bbd) 55
Battle-Scarred Goblin (ltr) 115
Big Winner (unf) 101
Bladegraft Aspirant (one) 122 #top10k #Menace
Bleak Coven Vampires (som) 55 #Metalcraft
Blind-Spot Giant (lrw) 153
Blood Age General (stx) 93
Blood Ogre (m12) 122 #Bloodthirst
Bloodlust Inciter (akh) 120
Bloodscale Prowler (gpt) 64 #Bloodthirst
Bloodstone Goblin (dom) 115
Body Dropper (snc) 168 #top10k
Bog Hoodlums (lrw) 100 #Clash
Boggart Brute (ori) 133 #Menace
Boggart Sprite-Chaser (lrw) 156
Bojuka Brigand (wwk) 51
Bola Warrior (nem) 78
Borderland Marauder (m15) 131
Borderland Minotaur (ths) 114
Brighthearth Banneret (mor) 88 #top10k #Reinforce
Bull-Rush Bruiser (bbd) 57
Canyon Minotaur (con) 60
Chainwhip Cyclops (war) 118
Champion of the Flame (dom) 116 #top10k #Trample
Chimney Rabble (one) 126 #Haste
Crazed Goblin (dst) 56
Cutthroat Centurion (one) 89
Cutthroat Contender (snc) 73
Daybreak Combatants (vow) 153 #Haste
Deathcurse Ogre (chk) 109
Deep Goblin Skulltaker (lci) 101 #Menace
Defiant Khenra (hou) 89
Defiant Ogre (frf) 96
Deputized Protester (cn2) 51 #Melee #Menace
Disowned Ancestor (ktk) 70 #Outlast
Drudge Sentinel (dom) 89
Dutiful Attendant (dtk) 99
Dwarven Warriors (lea) 143
Easterling Vanguard (ltr) 83 #Amass
Emberhorn Minotaur (akh) 130 #Exert
Emberstrike Duo (shm) 185
Embraal Gear-Smasher (aer) 79
Enraged Revolutionary (cns) 31 #Dethrone
Erg Raiders (arn) 25
Expedition Champion (znr) 138
Exquisite Huntmaster (cmr) 122 #Encore
Eyeblight Cullers (cmr) 124 #Mill
Facevaulter (lrw) 111
Fearless Halberdier (grn) 100
Flamekin Brawler (lrw) 166
Fleshbag Marauder (ala) 76 #top1k
Fleshgrafter (5dn) 51
Forgehammer Centurion (one) 130
Foundry Street Denizen (gtc) 92 #top10k
Frontline Devastator (hou) 93 #Afflict
Frontline Rebel (aer) 82
Frost Ogre (bok) 102
Gathan Raiders (fut) 99 #Morph #Hellbent
Ghor-Clan Wrecker (rna) 103 #Riot #Menace
Girder Goons (snc) 80 #Blitz
Goblin Assailant (war) 128
Goblin Assault Team (war) 129 #Haste
Goblin Balloon Brigade (lea) 153
Goblin Brawler (5dn) 66
Goblin Brigand (scg) 94
Goblin Bushwhacker (zen) 125 #top10k #Kicker
Goblin Champion (mh1) 127 #Exalted #Haste
Goblin Chariot (s99) 99 #Haste
Goblin Cohort (bok) 106
Goblin Deathraiders (ala) 169 #Trample
Goblin Elite Infantry (mir) 177
Goblin Fireslinger (m12) 139 #top10k
Goblin Freerunner (ogw) 111 #Menace #Surge
Goblin Furrier (csp) 82
Goblin Gaveleer (som) 92 #Trample
Goblin Javelineer (afr) 144 #Haste
Goblin Motivator (m19) 143 #top10k
Goblin Piker (p02) 102
Goblin Raider (p02) 103
Goblin Rimerunner (csp) 83
Goblin Sky Raider (ons) 208 #Flying
Goblin Skycutter (tsp) 159
Goblin Spelunkers (usg) 195 #Landwalk #Mountainwalk
Goblins of the Flarg (drk) 70 #Landwalk #Mountainwalk
Gore-House Chainwalker (rtr) 96 #Unleash
Gorehorn Minotaurs (m12) 144 #Bloodthirst
Grim Initiate (war) 130 #Amass
Grim Roustabout (rtr) 68 #Unleash
Grisly Survivor (hou) 64
Grotag Bug-Catcher (znr) 142 #Trample
Hammerheim Deadeye (plc) 101 #Echo
Hand of Silumgar (dtk) 105 #Deathtouch
Haradrim Spearmaster (ltr) 135 #Reach
Heartlash Cinder (eve) 56 #Haste #Chroma
Herald of the Dreadhorde (war) 93 #Amass
Highborn Vampire (znr) 107
Hotheaded Giant (eve) 57 #Haste
Inescapable Brute (shm) 95 #Wither
Inner-Flame Igniter (lrw) 182
Iron-Fist Pulverizer (otj) 131 #Reach #Scry
Jaded Sell-Sword (afr) 152
Kalastria Nightwatch (bfz) 115
Kargan Dragonrider (m19) 297
Karsus Depthguard (mom) 150 #Defender
Kazuul's Toll Collector (ogw) 112
Keldon Halberdier (tsp) 167 #Suspend
Keldon Marauders (plc) 102 #Vanishing
Keldon Overseer (dom) 134 #Haste #Kicker
Keldon Raider (dom) 135
Keldon Warcaller (dom) 136
Khenra Eternal (hou) 66 #Afflict
Khenra Scrapper (hou) 100 #Menace #Exert
Kolaghan Aspirant (dtk) 143
Kolaghan Skirmisher (dtk) 107 #Dash
Kragma Butcher (bng) 100 #Inspired
Krark-Clan Grunt (mrd) 97
Kraul Raider (grn) 270 #Menace
Krenko's Enforcer (m15) 152 #Intimidate
Kruin Striker (avr) 143
Krumar Bond-Kin (ktk) 77 #Morph
Lavakin Brawler (m20) 147
Lavastep Raider (bfz) 147
Lizard Warrior (por) 139
Lobber Crew (rtr) 99 #top10k #Defender
Lowland Oaf (lrw) 184
Lunk Errant (mor) 94
Mage-Ring Bully (ori) 154 #Prowess
Manic Vandal (m11) 151
Mardu Skullhunter (ktk) 78 #Raid
Mass of Ghouls (fut) 88
Mayhem Patrol (snc) 114 #Blitz #Menace
Minotaur Warrior (por) 140
Mogg War Marshal (tsp) 170 #top10k #Echo
Mold Folk (clb) 133 #Lifelink
Moriok Reaver (som) 70
Moriok Replica (som) 178
Most Valuable Slayer (dsk) 144
Mudbrawler Cohort (shm) 100 #Haste
Mudbutton Clanger (mor) 95 #Kinship
Mudbutton Torchrunner (lrw) 185
Nadier's Nightblade (cmr) 136 #top1k
Nef-Crop Entangler (akh) 144 #Trample #Exert
Nezumi Cutthroat (chk) 128 #Fear
Night Market Aeronaut (aer) 67 #Flying #Revolt
Nimana Sell-Sword (zen) 106
Nimble-Blade Khenra (akh) 145 #Prowess
Null Champion (roe) 121
Ogre Sentry (roe) 159 #Defender
Ogre Warrior (p02) 113
Onakke Ogre (m19) 153
Ondu Champion (bfz) 149 #Rally
Orcish Hellraiser (mh1) 136 #Echo
Orcish Vandal (dom) 137
Ornery Goblin (grn) 112
Paragon of Modernity (snc) 242 #Flying
Pensive Minotaur (jou) 105
Pestilent Kathari (con) 50 #Deathtouch #Flying
Plasma Jockey (snc) 115 #Blitz
Poisonbelly Ogre (gpt) 57
Prakhata Club Security (kld) 98
Quill-Slinger Boggart (lrw) 137
Rakdos Roustabout (rna) 198
Raving Oni-Slave (sok) 86
Reckless Brute (m13) 144 #Haste
Reckless Cohort (bfz) 152
Redcap Raiders (eld) 136
Riot Ringleader (avr) 152
Rubblebelt Braggart (mkm) 143 #Suspect
Ruinous Minotaur (zen) 145
Rustrazor Butcher (shm) 105 #Wither
Ruthless Cullblade (wwk) 65
Sabertooth Outrider (dtk) 152 #Trample #Formidable
Sandstone Warrior (tmp) 199
Scorch Rider (znr) 158 #Kicker
Scrapyard Steelbreaker (neo) 160
Sea Gate Colossus (znr) 251
Seething Pathblazer (mor) 101
Serpent Warrior (por) 109
Shatterskull Giant (zen) 148
Shatterskull Recruit (bfz) 155 #Menace
Sheoldred's Headcleaver (one) 109 #Toxic #Menace
Shinka Gatekeeper (bok) 117
Shriekdiver (war) 103 #Flying
Sickle Dancer (bbd) 50
Sickle Ripper (shm) 77 #Wither
Skinbrand Goblin (gtc) 105 #Bloodrush
Skophos Reaver (mh2) 140 #Madness
Skophos Warleader (thb) 154
Slate Street Ruffian (gtc) 78
Slaughterhouse Bouncer (dis) 54 #Hellbent
Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers (dgm) 39
Smoldering Butcher (eve) 42 #Wither
Sokenzan Bruiser (chk) 188 #Landwalk #Mountainwalk
Somberwald Vigilante (avr) 156
Spear Spewer (rna) 117 #top10k #Defender
Spike Jester (dgm) 106 #Haste
Splatter Thug (rtr) 105 #Unleash
Stingscourger (plc) 107 #Echo
Sultai Emissary (ugin) 85 #Manifest
Sultai Scavenger (ktk) 91 #Flying #Delve
Tar Pit Warrior (vis) 70
Tavern Ruffian // Tavern Smasher (mid) 163 #Daybound #Nightbound
Teeterpeak Ambusher (znr) 169
Testament Bearer (one) 111
Tiamat's Fanatics (clb) 202 #top10k #Haste #Myriad
Tithebearer Giant (war) 107
Tormented Pariah // Rampaging Werewolf (isd) 165 #Transform
Tuktuk Grunts (zen) 152 #Haste
Turret Ogre (war) 148 #Reach
Undercity Scavenger (rna) 88 #Scry
Underdark Explorer (clb) 154 #Menace
Unstoppable Ogre (neo) 169
Vampire Lacerator (zen) 115
Viashino Fangtail (rav) 148
Viashino Lashclaw (mh2) 146
Viashino Sandsprinter (mh1) 153 #Haste #Trample #Cycling
Viashino Slasher (rav) 149
Viashino Spearhunter (m10) 161
Viashino Warrior (mir) 200
Villainous Ogre (chk) 148
Viscera Dragger (ala) 92 #Unearth #Cycling
Voldaren Duelist (soi) 191 #Haste
Voldaren Stinger (mid) 167
Wandering Goblins (con) 76 #Domain
War-Torch Goblin (rav) 151
Windgrace Acolyte (dom) 112 #Flying #Mill
Wrecking Crew (snc) 132 #Reach #Trample
Yavimaya Steelcrusher (dmu) 152 #top10k #Enlist
Zulaport Enforcer (roe) 133
#Changelings (20):
Bloodline Pretender (khm) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Venomous Changeling (mh1) 114 #top10k #Changeling #Deathtouch
Maskwood Nexus (khm) 240 #top1k
Blades of Velis Vel (lrw) 152 #Changeling
Amorphous Axe (mh1) 219 #Equip
Skeletal Changeling (lrw) 140 #top10k #Changeling
Runed Stalactite (lrw) 260 #Equip
War-Spike Changeling (mor) 112 #Changeling
Three Tree Mascot (blb) 251 #top10k #Changeling
Nameless Inversion (lrw) 128 #top10k #Changeling
Ghostly Changeling (lrw) 116 #Changeling
Cairn Wanderer (lrw) 105 #top10k #Changeling
Graveshifter (mh1) 94 #top10k #Changeling
Fire-Belly Changeling (lrw) 164 #Changeling
Changeling Outcast (mh1) 82 #top1k #Changeling
Barkform Harvester (blb) 243 #top10k #Reach #Changeling
Taurean Mauler (mor) 109 #top1k #Changeling
Moonglove Changeling (mor) 67 #Changeling
Universal Automaton (mh1) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Changeling Berserker (lrw) 160 #Haste #Champion #Changeling
#Support (23):
Obsidian Battle-Axe (mor) 144 #Equip
Oketra's Monument (akh) 233 #top1k
Thwart the Grave (znr) 130 #top10k
Multiclass Baldric (clb) 644 #top10k #Equip
Their Number Is Legion (40k) 63 #top10k
Diplomacy of the Wastes (frf) 67
Return Upon the Tide (khm) 106 #top10k #Foretell
Synchronized Spellcraft (znr) 168
Join the Maestros (snc) 85 #Casualty
Coveted Prize (znr) 337 #top10k
Deadly Alliance (znr) 96
Necron Monolith (40k) 161 #top10k #Flying #Indestructible #Crew #Mill
Inquisitorial Rosette (40k) 159 #top10k #Equip
Prowess of the Fair (lrw) 136 #top10k
Thunderhawk Gunship (40k) 167 #top10k #Flying #Crew
Ravager's Mace (znr) 235 #Equip
Base Camp (znr) 257 #top10k
Rally the Horde (sok) 110
Biotransference (40k) 30 #top10k
Raiders' Spoils (ktk) 83
Ghitu Encampment (ulg) 141
Night Scythe (40k) 162 #Flying #Crew
Relic Axe (znr) 248 #Equip
#Non-commander-legal (19):
Seasoned Weaponsmith (cmb1) 63 #top100
The Cave of Skulls (who) 573 #top100
Target Minotaur (ust) 98a #top100 #Prowess
Half-Orc, Half- (ust) 84 #top100 #Trample #Augment
Shy Town (da1) PLA003 #top100
Goblin S.W.A.T. Team (unh) 80 #top100
Toralf's Disciple (mb2) 261 #top100 #Haste #Conjure
The Cobra King (da1) RZ06 #top100 #Fight #NEW
Warrior (tfrf) 3 #top100
Norin and Feldon (da1) RR02 #top100
Earthshaker Khenra (thou) 4 #top100 #Haste
Astartes Warrior (t40k) 12 #top100 #Menace
Necron Warrior (t40k) 14 #top100
Azra Matchthrower (da1) CR04a #top100
Proven Combatant (thou) 5 #top100
Jeska and Kamahl (da1) UR04b #top100 #Haste
Zombie Warrior (twar) 11 #top100 #Vigilance
Alien Warrior (twho) 14 #top100
Hammer Jammer (ust) 86 #top100
#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.